It’s been a little while since I’ve posted anything new here, but that doesn’t mean I’ve been resting on my laurels!

Here’s what (and where) I’ve been writing recently 👨🏻‍💻

Content for clients Link to heading

Over the last year, I’ve been doing some Zephyr-related technical writing for the Golioth blog.

You can see the full list of articles I’ve contributed at

Common Ground Electronics Link to heading

In addition to authoring technical content for clients, I’m also starting to write about embedded systems and IoT-related topics on the Common Ground Electronics blog. So far, I’ve written about how to enforce Zephyr code quality with pre-commit and my experience prototyping a WiFi serial logger with Golioth. I also just posted a mid-year retrospective where I talk about how the business was started and what I’ve been working on over the last year.

I can write for you too Link to heading

If you’re interested in hiring me to develop technical content (or other embedded systems related work), feel free to reach out!